100 Voices:
Winter Soldier Iraq & Afghanistan
Matthew Palevsky, Journalist
反戦するイラク帰還兵 / Iraq Veterans Against The War(IVAW)主催のWinter Soldierコンファレンス会場からお伝えします。イラクとアフガニスタン兵士が自ら目撃した、戦場における軍の誤管理、イラク市民に対する暴力を証言します。
10,000 Monkeys and a Camera:
Five Years Too Many
Other anniversary posts:
* NYTimes: Iraq 5 Years In
* Attaturk: Crappy Anniversary
* BarbinMD: Five Years
* Juan Cole: 5 Years, 5 Lies
* Quiddity: Five-year anniversary...
* Rep. Jim McDermott: What Might Have Been
* Winter Soldier: Soldiers Speak
* William Saletan: The Lessons of Iraq
March 19
I almost forgot about the March 19th Blogswarm amongst all the recent economic wreckage: five years ago today George Bush launched his doomed war of aggression against Iraq, or more specifically, Saddam Hussein. Well, he’s been dead for quite awhile now, but the war grinds on with daily death, mayhem, and horror. Bush today commemorated the anniversary with probably the most egregious bullshit he’s ever spouted, but you won’t see it in the US media. For that, we have to cross the pond to the UK: President Bush: Iraq war was a success and will end in victory.
# イラク戦争まる5年 (320 Aikotoba)
3月26日(水)に東京で開催される予定だった『国境なき医師団 イラク活動報告会』が中止になったと本日発表された。
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