Sunday, February 3, 2008

Participate / Learn More About the Blogswarm Against the Iraq War

Note: The Blogswarm already has been taken place. This information is for historical and explanatory purposes now.

Statement of Purpose

This blogswarm will promote blog postings opposing the war in Iraq and calling for a full withdrawal of foreign occupying forces in Iraq. Five years of an illegal and catastrophic war is five years too many. On the March 19 anniversary of the conquest of Iraq by the Bush Administration, there needs to be a loud volume of voices countering the pro-war propaganda from far too many politicians and corporate media outlets.

Trying to Decide What to Write?

You are encouraged to write against the war from a variety of perspectives. The war is a huge problem, and that makes it an enormous subject for blogging. Here are some things you might want to consider if you are having difficulty making up your mind:
  • Attend an anti-war event and report on it.
  • Interview military families and veterans.

  • NEW IDEA: Blog reactions to Pacifica's Live Radio Coverage of the Winter Soldier testimony by Iraq Vets would be of great interest. Coverage from the event in Washington, DC would be great too. This event deserves all the coverage it can possibly get.

  • Examine current plans and the rather shadowy oil laws as well as long term military bases.

  • Compare and contrast candidates stated intentions on what they claim they will do with their records.

  • Publicize online action alerts by pro-peace organizations.
  • Discuss the economic impacts of the war on people in Iraq and/or western countries.

  • Discuss the casualties on both sides.

  • Explore issues and impacts often ignored by most media outlets.

  • Analyze war propaganda.

How to Participate:

1) Post a comment here- Bring the Noise! Bring the Swarm! with your blog's title and URL. (A Blogger ID may not be enough for us to figure out who you are.) There are regularly updated listings of all participating blogs.

2) Optional: Save one of the blogswarm graphics to your system and upload it to your blog, linking to:

Here are some graphics for this purpose.

3) Be sure to follow up on your commitment to write a posting on March 19 against the war.

4) Spread the word among other people who want to end this nutty war.

nb. The comment thread for this post is now closed. To leave your details comment here- Bring the Noise! Bring the Swarm!


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Unknown said...

Hey Libhomo..I will promote this on my personal blog and Sirens Chronicles.

Got a button too ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm proud to be one of the first to sign up. My name is Matt McGraw and my blog address is:

My son was born on March 19th, 2002, he is only one year older than this war. So much senseless violence.

Let's come together and stop this waste of human life.

Thanks again,

Anonymous said...

I kind of get it. Sign me up.
Complex System Of Pipes

Rafael said...

My next podcast will be on McCain's Forever War. I'll will play this up whenever and wherever I can.

Carol said...

I'm in :)

Don Durito said...

Count me in.

My blog's title: The Mahatma X Files

My blog's url:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this. Saw it at pff. My blog:

kraant said...

Blog Title:

Laughing As I Go...

Blog URL:

Anonymous said...

that's a bloody great idea. But I think another surge could really help things. This time, though, someone has to make sure that the 32 000 fully armed combat troops are dropped on Washington (because from there they can also nuke Texas).

Delta said...

I'd be honored to participate. I believe I'll be at the anti-war rally in San Francisco that day and can probably get some good pictures.

My blog is Freethought Weekly at

Anonymous said...

The new blog about the US Constitution, Home of the Brave, will participate. Surely there is some relationship between the Constitution and the ongoing occupation of Iraq!

This is a group blog, so please join us. There is quite an extensive reference blog roll, too.

Thanks for hosting this blog swarm.

korova said...

This has been brought to my attention by some co-conspirators on my blog Mask of Anarchy.

I will be happy to support this intiative.

Lew Scannon said...

Count me in! I love a good (cause) blogswarm.Here

Ethan said...

Sign me up.

Lotus said...

Joining in.

Lotus - Surviving a Dark Time

Anonymous said...

I am in as well at Notes. There are not enough words are angles too cover this FUBAR neo con/lib madness. We will be writing..glad to see things get off the ground..Way to go y'all

Don Durito said...

The Mahatma X Files

Jundi said...

hey im in ..

Seán said...

I'm computer illiterate but I'm in.

The Soul of Man Under Capitalism

Hope I've done it right.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, great idea. My blog, Dandelion Salad at is an antiwar blog. Been speaking out against the wars and occupation for years now. We must continue speaking out!

Anonymous said...

Blog Title:
Modern Eros
Blog url:

This is a great idea!

Anonymous said...

I have been posting in opposition to this war from the beginning.

Blog of Revelation

Rena said...

Another Okie against the war

Peace Arena

Anok said...

Wow, Hey there, thankls to RickB, I've found this blog.

I write non-stop anti-Iraq war, anti- attack Iran, anti-pundit propaganda and anti-Bush blogs.

Check it out:

Identity Check by Anok (thats me!)

Anonymous said...

Sign me up!

Anonymous said...

Oops. Here's my blog's title:
"Fitness for the Occasion"
and url:

Revolutionary Patriot said...

Adam Kokesh - Revolutionary Patriot

Proud member of IVAW

jmsjoin said...

I don't know how often I will be able to find the time to contribute but those that know my writing on an average patriot http://www.anaveragepatriot. com know Iraq is only one of the thorns in my side.
Knowing Iraq was attacked to get our military back into the middle east to go after Iran and get the Right's desired NWO world war going and that this is just beginning and will not be prevented bush is running out of time and will act soon. What's next?
I hate to say it but Iraq is the least of it. I have four sons of age. One just volunteered to go back there to finish up someone elses tour. Another is due home 2/25 for a break and then will be heading back to Iraq. One of their brothers is trying to get into demolition in the engineers.
I have to wonder, first I think they're crazy and the one in EOD going back soon will be reenlisting there but what will be next for our military as this is just beginning.

jmsjoin said...

I can't hang around here right now as I have something I have to write but you hit it by saying Forever war. This is bush's Forever War
Whoever is elected will be fighting it regardless because of the fact that Bush has set countries in motion that will not be controlled but will be reacted to. This is all still just developing and taking shape.

TomCat said...

Happy to join in:

Politics Plus

Anonymous said...

Count me in!
Chris Wilcox

Dave Dubya said...

Usually I am disinclined towards joining organizations. For this group, I’ll gladly make an exception.

Dave Dubya’s Freedom Rants

billie said...

i have a button- and i will gladly join in. thanks :)

life's journey

Mary said...

I'm in.
Get Your Own

Mary Ellen said...

Ok- I'm in!

I have a son who is 17 years old and my fear is that if this war continues, he will be forced by a draft to fight a war that neither he, nor I have supported. I don't want him to die for Bush's lies. I also don't want him to be a part of continuing a war that never should have been. It's got to end now...not one more day, not one more life for Bush/Cheney greed for oil and power.

leftdog said...

Kudos to the organizers of this action! 'Good on ya'!

I have published a post today on the March 19th action and look forward to this historic blogging event!!

Mary Ellen said...

Oooops, in my excitement to join, I forgot to add my blog and the URL.

The Divine Democrat


I would love to be a proud member of Blogswarm!

Anonymous said...

Impossible to resist. Count LaPopessa and Buckarooskidoo of "Make it Stop! Make it Stop! in.

Anonymous said...

Count on me!

Have already posted a blogswarm poster in my blog.

Robert Silvey said...

Thanks for putting this together. I will post on my personal blog, Rubicon. I will also post on our group blog, Scholars & Rogues and encourage others to join in.

Robert Silvey

Robert Rouse said...

Although in all likelihood I will be in Washington, DC on the 19th, I will still attempt to blog live from DC. We all have to do our part and if that means blogging and protesting, then so be it.

Jennifer Briney said...

Count me in. You can find my blog at

Great idea!

Mauigirl said...

Count me in!

Mauigirl's Meanderings

s. douglas said...

As I've stated in the past, I may be a Pig, but I ain't no "War Pig."


Great idea.

Laura Beth said...

Would love to join
Dedicated to exposing tv & photo fakery in the early 21st century. A collective of music, video-art, and news.

I'll add your graphics!

Angie said...

Blog Title:
Bicycle Built 4 Two
Blog URL:


Unknown said...

Count me in.

As a Gold Star Mom, my blog "Gold Star Mom Speaks Out" gives voice to the 3960 US casualties, including my only child. I don't want one more family to experience losing their loved one in this hideous endless occupation

Anonymous said...

Me too:

Mike Power said...

Mike Power says: And me!

Lowell said...

I'm happy to be part of this protest. The Iraqi adventure was not merely misguided, but an amoral act but an amoral president, no doubt to ensure access to Iraqi oil as our reserves run dry.

Meanwhile, thousands have died in this catastrophic mess with no end in sight.

I shall post an article as requested. My blog is Contextual Criticism:


Batocchio said...

I'm in. It's the perfect excuse to finish up a series of posts on war I've been planning. I blog at two places, and will be cross-posting:

Vagabond Scholar

Blue Herald

Thanks for organizing this!

Anonymous said...

Count me in. My sidebar is now wearing the smirk. I have a post idea swirling around my mmedulla oblongata now.

polizeros said...

Politics in the Zeros

two crows said...

gotta do it.
no other choice.

two crows: Preserve. Protect & Defend at

Philip said...

The Curmudgeon

Tim said...


Richard W. Symonds said...

"If you do nothing, nothing will happen. If you do something, something may happen".

Count me in. Thanks.

Richard W. Symonds

FreakyNick said...

It will be a pleasure to write another post about our criminal actions in iraq.

We need to convict the liars, and send them to prison.

Jennie Rigg said...

I'm Jennie, my blog is The Yorksher Gob, and the url is

Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...


Thank you for the opportunity.

A Poetic Justice


Anonymous said...

I will be adding Tangled Up in Blue Guy to the swarm.

War is Harmful to Children and Other Living Things.

Samizdat said...

I'll be writing a blog on this certainly!

A. Cabral said...

We are happy to swarm, at "oBiToque"

The Pensive Poet said...

My name is Chris. I often go by thedisquietedpen, thepensivepoet, or Allyn Swan.

I am more than happy to join this.

is my URL. I will be posting a picture/tag thing on my page, and I most certainly will be joining in the blogswarm.

Anyway I can help, please contact me.


Anonymous said...

I'll add a button to our front page. Road2DC was setup to serve as a ridesharing and networking resource to help end the War and Occupation of Iraq. The Site exists for your use and benefit. If you would like to organize a carpool to get to DC on 3/19, or if you would like a group space to organize and publicize your local event, please stop by and make yourselves at home. Direct any questions to admin*at*road2dc*dot*com.

Anonymous said...

Please add my blog to the list.

janinsanfran said...

Yup -- Happening Here will be in the blog swarm, as I have been in the resistance to wars of revenge since 9/11/2001.

flyingrodent said...

I'll be writing about it anyway, so why not?

Anonymous said...

Excellent idea! I'm writing from Sweden (in English) and I will participate.

My blog is Jenny's Pennies

Dancewater said...

I can give you three blogs that will participate.

IRAQ TODAY has daily updates on the horrible situation in Iraq.

FACES OF GRIEF is a blog of pictures from Iraq - updated regularly.

And their is my personal blog, DANCEWATER.

Anonymous said...

I'm in!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the invite Libhomo. I’d be happy to join. If interested, you can find assorted posts that I’ve written at this site:
Sometimes the above mentioned link doesn't work, so you could try simply going to the main site:
and typing in "Independent Musings" in the search button. Thank you again for doing this.

supergirlest said...

add me!

my Thinking spot

Anonymous said...

Sign me up!!

Para Justicia y Libertad

Ravenmn said...

Fly By Night


Anonymous said...

Thanks to Libhomo, I now know a permanent link that works for my blog: you again, Libhomo.

Suzi Riot said...

Suzi Riot... rants from the left

Anonymous said...

Count us in. The lens will be reporting on many events and actions in the upcoming months.

Anonymous said...

i'll be there from: ~ the otherwhirled

and ~ perpetual dawnne

Anonymous said...

I want to participate!

Thanks and grabbed a button to promote.

sonowwhat said...

Always commenting against the insanity of round 2, that is Iraq. My name is Rik Thomas and my site is at

Support the troops not the war.

Unknown said...

I'm in.

When Will I Use This at

Daisy Deadhead said...

I will also be participating, writing about our local action with the Greenville Antiwar Society.

I will also be mentioning the blogswarm at my "roundup" posts.

Pain said...

We, Ourselves of the Collective are proud to announce that The Dis Brimstone-Daily Pitchfork will be participating in the blogswarm against the war in Iraq. Our blog address follows:

Qu'ul cuda praedex nihil!

x said...

Here's my most recent anti-war post. I have many. My blog is:

My post is:

alice said...

10,000 Monkeys and a Camera:!

JD said...

I am opposed to the occupation of Iraq. I have been there twice as a United States Marine. Smedley Butler was correct when he said, "War is a racket."

Fran said...

FranIAm will gladly promote and participate in this blogswarm.

Fran said...

BTW- it could be my startling lack of technical skills or that I am on a mac, but I can't get the code for any of the buttons. I can save the image and upload it to my blog... but it won't link.

Any ideas? You can em me at festinalente07 at gmail dot com

Marty said...

aaah waaaa
Persistent Vegetative State

mouse (aka kimy) said...

you can count on the mouse! I'm in! thanks for organizing this!


Anonymous said...


Please add me to the list of bloggers participating in the March 19 blogswarm. My site:


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Count me in.

Ricky Shambles said...

I'm in at Cause for Concern

Beth Owl's Daughter said...

Please add me as well. I've posted a graphic and link on my blog. Thanks for doing this!

Ted Swedenburg said...

sign me up!

about to put up a button...

Pax said...

Count me in! A small thing to do but so needed.

TONY @oakroyd said...

March 19th for Peace and an end to the carnage!

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
jarnocan said... another great resource as well as his I read about the blogswarm here as well as the Uncounted movie. YES I want to do what I can:)

J said...

Please add me to your list. I will publish on my blog and my site My site contains hundreds of articles detailing administration involvement in 9-11 and high crimes. Thank you, and cheers to all.

J said...

Please add me to your list. I will publish on my blog and my site My site contains hundreds of articles detailing administration involvement in 9-11 and high crimes. Thank you, and cheers to all.

Coffee Messiah said...

Please add me to the list!

Pete Chown said...

Hi, count me in...


Freida Bee said...

I will be participating over at Freida Bee. Thank you for coordinating the effort.

Great idea.

Anonymous said...

Learned about this through Politits.

I'm in.

pj said...

I would like to participate! My name is PJ, and my blog is


PseudoPiskie said...

I'm PseudoPiskie and my blog is momsaidnobodycares.

vkfletch said...

I followed you home, libhom.

If this can help get us one step closer, I'm in.

Thanks for all your efforts. Take care, MMom

Anonymous said...

Please add me to the list.

No More Mr. Nice Guy!

Anonymous said...

Daughters of Vietnam Veterans

Padre Mickey said...

I want to participate. I am the Rev. Michael Dresbach and I blog as Padre Mickey at Padre Mickey's Dance Party at

Paul said...

Count me in. I am the Rev. Paul E. Strid, blogging as The Byzigenous Buddhapalian, at

I have long been protesting this illegal and immoral war.

Episcopollyanna said...

My blog addy:

Thanks - Episcopollyanna

hungeski said...

I'm in. -- Quinn Hungeski

The Paragraph --

Jane R said...

I'm in.

Anonymous said...

blog addy:

minneapolis, mn

M.Yu said...

I will be there.

The Jade Gate

Anonymous said...

I'm here!

Anonymous said...

due to a conflict of timing, i have already posted my official blogswarm post and will be updating the timestamp to March 19th when that day arrives. i would appreciate it if you all could update the link to my blog to be the direct link to my post... it is as follows:

Stranger in a Strange Land

Anonymous said...

Sign me up! PurpleMinded

Anonymous said...

Sign me up:

Scare Talk Express

-Brad Bright

johnieb said...

I'm in:

I think I'll write on the ways it's affected me as a Vietnam Veteran with PTSD

Freeman-Fortsetzung said...

From Switzerland:

"Schall und Rauch"

Great idea Matt and I am promoting it in Europe.

Anonymous said...

Honored to join in,THXS, Maggie


Ormonde Plater said...

Sign me up. My blog is Through the Dust, at

Anonymous said...

Totally agree and support the cause:

dguzman said...

I'm in. blog: impeachment and other dreams, URL:

got a cool graphic--thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'll be participating as well at The Fanciful Muse

Anonymous said...

Lets keep it up.

Cheezy said...

Great idea... please sign me up.

Cheezy's Blog - Scratch & Sniff

Anonymous said...

i'd like to participate as well

Celestial Dreams

Anonymous said...

Ricky Shambles said...

Our collective (Doug Marquardt, Kate Chase, BHFrik, Ralph Brauer, Ashley Wright, and Ricky Shambles) over at All Things Democrat will all be participating as well!

Tommy Korioth said...

Count me in:

I'm at Basket of Puppies

T. Korioth

Michael Ogden said...

ifI'm in: Ifs of Og


Anonymous said...

Please sign me up:

Automatic Preference

Smiler said...

I'm in. I will definitely post something on the 19th, just not sure if it'll be in written, photographic, drawn or painted form or some combination thereof.

From Smiler, with Love.

Ann said...

Peoples Geography

42 said...

dang, sign me up.

Bobby Revell said...

Count me in! There is nothing more important and I'll have my post up on the 19th. I already have my button up.

My site is Revellian Dot Com

Unknown said...

Hi. This is an effort I feel I can contribute to. Please sign me up. I'll add the button, too, if I can figure out how!

Cathy said...

This is great -- March 15 is protesting church of $cientology and March 19 is protesting this insane war.

Thanks to Coffee Messiah for directing traffic

TheAngryindian said...

Count us in...

Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo / The Intelligent Aboriginal News Service

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I only have a personal blog, but I'll definitely be blogging on that date.

Rebellious Jezebel Blogging

Anonymous said...

Any way of uniting all these blogs so a post can be made to them ALL? What a powerful thing that would be!

Forgive my ignorance, I'm an "old lady" who came of age when most people still did not own a computer--I actually helped develop the first desktops, but I'm pretty hopeless when it comes to knowledge of what blogs can do.

Anyway, I think this is a great way to take the protest where the majority of the world can see it--since of course nothing we do with our physical bodies is getting on the news anyway these days.

Will it change politicians' minds? I don't think we will see rapid, idealistic change from our politicians, who must always work within the system they have and deal with factors that are always against direct movement. HOWEVER, public opinion DOES matter to most politicians, especially Democrats. They must listen to their "base" and the Democratic base is very broad. The more they have gotten that the entire Democratic base, and increasingly the Republican base, is against the occupation (this isn't a "war" it's actually a genocidal slaughter, and that is direct from the mouth of an Iraq vet I had the privilege of listening to yesterday), the more the politicians are moving in the direction of ending the war.

Try to remember how long it took to get out of Vietnam (went on from the early 60's through the mid-70's, even AFTER years of public protest and AFTER we had definitively "lost" in late 60's).

Also realize that, while Vietnam was important strategically in some ways, Iraq and the rest of the region is a VITAL strategic interest to our current government. They will not give up easily, but we can make it happen if we keep trying!


x said...

Please include my blog:
Writer Reading

Thanks. Gloria

Anonymous said...

I just Know your site. This is good Idea! My site is written in Japanese, but I will be happy to support this intiative.

Anonymous said...

Passing this on to Belgium Bloggers!!

Anonymous said...

See you all on the 19th!

Anonymous said...

Hi, great idea. I like to participate. My blog is (German).

JoeC said...

Count Hard-boiled Dreams of the World in for a March 19 post.


One Fly said...

Outta the Cornfield would love to raise hell on that day.

ntodd said...

Pimping at Dohiyi Mir and Pax Americana.

John Shuck said...

Awesome! Sign up Shuck and Jive

Dirk Gently said...

I'm in, posting at Albatross!

I'm putting an image link to here in my banner as well.

Douglas Underhill said...

I'm in, at Prog(ressive)nostications which is at

Aric Clark said...

Me too.

Mined Splatterings

ellroon said...

Me too. I'll swarm with the rest!

Rants from the Rookery.

Anonymous said...

Count me in.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Thistle and my blog is

Anonymous said...

Danielle said...

I caught whiff of this movement from Dandelion Salad and will definitely be participating.

Providing the buttons is so helpful.

Danielle Vyas

Anonymous said...

Glad I found you, through Shuck and Jive actually.
Ablogination is at your service.

It's on!


ThePoliticalCat said...

La Casa de Los Gatos is proud to join you for this momentous occasion.


Anonymous said...

My SmallTalk blog focuses on the politics of public education and school reform. The War in Iraq is part and parcel of an ownership society that is rapidly eroding public education and public space in general.

You can link to Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk blog at

Anonymous said...

Good idea and looks like a great campaign. I don't know much about adding the linking stuff but will write a post at Alien Trucker and put the link as well as your graphics in it.

Anonymous said...

Sign me up for the blogswarm on March 19.

Bruce K. Gagnon
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space

Aaron Murin-Heath said... will be "swarming".

Aaron Heath

Ed Bass said...

I will definitely participate - here's my blog:

Why We Meed To Impeach George Bush

Richard said...

American Leftist will participate

Joe and I have posted numerous comments about the tragic consequences of the war

Karina Freimann said...

I have a german Blog and will talk about it on the 19th.

Kate said...

I am in for both blogging and real-time activism here in Vermont on the 19th.

My blog is Cut to the Chase (

Thanks for all you're doing with organizing this.

Anonymous said...


Count me in.

Samantha, Gordon and Me,

Katharine O'Moore-Klopf said...

EditorMom is in.

Borges said...

Borges Blogue

Anonymous said...

Count me in...

septicisle said...


Matt Jenny said...

The paxx:blog is in.

Monte said...

I'm in, too - Monte Asbury's Blog. Great idea. May it be everywhere!

Karoli said...

Hi there,

I'll be blogging this on both of my blogs -- odd time signatures and Bang the Drum.

Great idea!

plastic said...

will do!

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

Lady3bug's Weblog

Anonymous said...

When I began blogging the radical right ruled. It makes me feel great when "newer" bloggers don't know about being trolled to death just for expressing an opinion

I'm so bad at buttons. I need code

I would love it if on 3/19 normal blogging ceased for Americans and something as simple as "five years too many" were written on blogs

BarbPA said...

I will be posting from Washington Dc starting around 9 a.m. when activists from 38 states will converge on the city to target the "Pillars of War." My group plans to take direct action to disrupt business as usual using nonviolent civil resistance, protest, street theatre and satire to send a clear message to the corporations that perpetuate and profit from this illegal and immoral war.



Anonymous said...

To quote the great Peter Finch from Network

I'm as mad a Hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore

My words are the only weapon I can wield against these bloodthirsty warmongers still backing this disastrous occupation

There's not a level of Hell deep, miserable or permanent enough for those who engineered this atrocity

I'd be honored to join in such a noble and worthy cause

Royally Kranked

Anonymous said...

I will be celebrating my 30th birthday this Wednesday, with my little niece celebrating her 1st. So March 19th resonates strongly with me, as does the memory of my 25th birthday, watching this war begin on the news.

Girlplustwo said...

i'm in.

one plus two

Anonymous said...

ok from Italy...sign me up.

Dale said...

I'm in.

JLN said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Caminante said...

Here goes. Add me in. The graphic is already up on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Signature of All Things

Anonymous said...

MOMocrats will be participating. Our site is:

Many of our 15 writers will post this to their personal blogs as well.

Anonymous said...

We agree, please, sign up our collective blog:

Gianluca Bifolchi + Sergio Mauri

Mandy (ZenMonkeyMind) said...

Count me In!!!

My site is:

the title of my blog is:

Not Another Mom Blog!

Great idea! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have added your graphic to my blog and will be participating on the 19th!


Anonymous said...

OK, count me in. I did a post several days ago about Winter Soldier, the March 13th through 16th event where Iraq war veterans are testifying against Iraqmire.

Who Hijacked Our Country

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